Squirrels are small rodents and are commonly found in most yard spaces. Although generally perceived harmless, these furry animals, if unchecked, may cause significant damage to plants and produce in one’s yard. While their favorite food includes acorns and walnuts, squirrels are far from picky eaters. Anything, even smelly kitchen trash, can attract these critters. And once they settle in, it can be challenging to get rid of them from one’s yard.
10 techniques to drive squirrels away
1. Motion-activated water sprinkler
Squirrels are notoriously skittish. So, installing a few motion-detection sprinklers should drive them away. Once the squirrel gets close by, the sudden spray of water will startle them. After a few encounters, the squirrels will learn to avoid the area altogether.
2. Peppermint oil
This is a safe and plant-friendly method to deter squirrels and keep new ones from entering one’s yard. Although it is harmless to squirrels, they dislike the smell of peppermint oil, making it an effective, non-toxic remedy. One can simply sprinkle a few drops of the oil onto the ground and the plant leaves. For better results, mix the oil in some petroleum jelly and rub the solution onto the plant’s stalk.
3. Physical barriers
This offers a more hands-on approach to repelling squirrels from one’s yard. Installing row covers can be an efficient solution that safeguards the plants while still allowing sunlight to reach them. Using a hardware cloth to line the bottom of the soil can also do the trick. An alternative is to use a bird net. But that might also mean blocking all the birds and a few other organisms from the garden.
4. Scare tactics
Since squirrels are skittish, homeowners can use this to their advantage by setting up decoys to deter them. Try installing rubber snakes in the yard and witness them avoid the area at all costs. The same goes for plastic or rubber owls. These stand-ins would help keep the squirrels away from the plants. Homeowners can also try adding some artificial noise or movement functionality to such decoys to make them more scary.
5. Repellant flowers
A great way of repelling squirrels is planting flowers they are bound to dislike. These small furry creatures are known to hate allium flowers. One can also plant snowdrops, daffodils, and hyacinths to deter them from one’s yard. Marigolds are another great way to keep squirrels away. Plus, they also add aesthetic value to one’s garden.
6. Take out the trash
Squirrels are attracted by trash. If one’s property has accumulated some trash or the cans do not have the lids on properly, it would be an open invitation for these rodents. Take care not to leave out leftover or rotten food items and other waste in the open. This could be the reason why the squirrels invaded the yard in the first place.
7. Apple cider vinegar
If store-bought repellants fail to yield results, try using homemade apple cider vinegar repellants. Add a few drops of peppermint oil or a small amount of cayenne pepper to the vinegar solution. Pour it into a spray bottle and use it when needed. Spray the solution on areas frequented by the squirrels. Having a mix of multiple unpleasant scents would discourage squirrels from returning to one’s garden.
8. Mulching
If squirrels have been digging up the dirt in the lawn or the garden, mulching might be one of the best ways to drive them away. Carefully placing a thick layer of mulch around the lawn can successfully deter rodents from this destructive habit. If the mulch has pieces of stones in it, it would work even better. The heavier the mulch, the less likely the squirrels are to return. Besides, mulch can also benefit the soil by conserving moisture, making it a valuable addition to one’s garden.
9. Squirrel-proof bird feeders
Sometimes, having bird feeders in the yard can also be a reason why squirrels frequent the space. But, one doesn’t have to get rid of the bird feeder to address this problem. Try switching the bird food to something the squirrels won’t appreciate. For instance, replace sunflower seeds with safflower seeds. The squirrels dislike the latter because of their bitter taste. Additionally, one can also install squirrel baffles around the bird feeder. It creates a barrier and keeps squirrels from reaching the bird food.
10. Peppers
Hot peppers are yet another thing that squirrels dislike. The capsaicin in hot peppers is not something the squirrels are fond of smelling. When its scent hits the squirrel’s nose, they scurry away from the place. Use these natural repellants to the property’s advantage and drive away squirrels. Sprinkle some hot pepper, chili flakes, or cayenne pepper powder on the soil. Alternatively, one can simply grow some chilies in one’s yard to enjoy home-grown produce while also repelling squirrels.